Facing Up - Revolution No.1

It's impossible to discuss sari without touching upon the lives women. My research on sari provides me with regular feeds on issues that present women in India with impossible situations and therefore a very real fight on their hands. Their fight is with patriarchal institutions, government and police who still make judgements on women based on cultural and religious preconceptions of times that have not evolved.


Kolkata photographer Sujatro Ghosh has recently launched a photo series called 'Cow Mask' to raise awareness about the safety and protection of women in India. The idea being that the cow - asacred animal in India, has more protection than the average woman. India is fourth on the list of countries with the highest number of rape and harassment. A rape is reported every 15 minutes and only 29 per cent of rape cases in India lead to a conviction. There are men who almost feel an entitlement to take women at will knowing they can get away with it. 


Recently in the area of Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi there have been a number of horrific accounts of rapeand attempted rape. The police response instead of addressing the problem, was to try and curb the very popular Ladies Nights in Hauz Khas. These were meant to be safe nights for women to go out. Women have resorted to social media as their only voice, to at least tell the world of their experiences.


Sujatro Ghosh is crowdfunding to continue travelling around India to complete his photo series and expand awareness of women's issues. We do have power to raise awareness and raise funds to help people and social media are the people's tools of power so please donate what you can to his www.bitgiving.com/cowmask





Craft No.1 - Handloom Day - 7th Aug


White Lines